The say Spring Festival travel by train to buy tickets is difficult, more difficult to eat on the train. As early as the end of 2011, the Ministry of Railways announced to the public supply of EMU trains service quality standards (provisional), which explicitly requires: to ensure that the passenger train 2 yuan mineral water, less than $ 15 lunch for and shall not be broken.

But the actual reporter investigating the situation, lunch in the dining car of the high-speed rail is simply to buy less than 10 yuan or 15 yuan, 40 yuan for lunch eat only eat. In this regard, the dining car on the staff explained that "has long been sold out.

Little a lunch meal so much as profits, and robbery What's the difference? High-speed rail is something that can not provide the high-priced lunch, to meet the different needs of consumers, but since it is a service, it should be fair and reasonable principle of consumer-based, and not for business purposes, not to reap huge profits for the final demands .

Profit of up to 400 percent high-priced lunch, and only this one no other choice, not only away from the railway public service qualities, in fact, constitute infringement Shaw consumers interests. Only provide the higher-priced lunch, refused to sell instant noodles "the fact that enough to prove that consumers' Where is God, simple is the lamb to the slaughter.

As early as the end of 2011, the Ministry of Railways announced to the public supply of EMU trains service quality standards (provisional), which explicitly requires: to ensure that the passenger train 2 yuan mineral water, less than $ 15 lunch for and shall not be broken. This provision before the start of the spring of this year, once again reiterated the railway sector.

From a realistic point of view, "reiterated the" great irony. The reasons are but two ways, First, this was originally a ornamental value the "vase provisions" without substance, its only significance is perfunctory and cope with public opinion the Zhengdian image points, from policy formulation to perform between the lack of effective system constraints. Either way, the need for improvement and to enhance awareness of the level of management of the railway sector.

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